View and edit your payment method, profile info, shipping/billing address, extra cash, blocked users, and more! The first thing you will need to do is navigate to your Profile and then click on the button in the top right corner. Now we can dive into the sections.
My Account
My Profile: Edit your Tradeblock username, bio, phone number, and first and last name. Going on vacation and want to put your offers on hold? This is where you can do it! Most of this was completed when you signed up but if you’re rethinking your bio you can update it here.
Account Information: Need to change your email or password? You can do that in your Account Access.
Wallet: Check out your account balance and extra cash.
Payment Options: Add a payment method or more. You’ll need to add a payment method to your account to send or accept offers. Once an offer is accepted by either you or another trader, the payment method will be charged. You can add multiple payment methods and label them accordingly but will need to keep at least one on file. If you have more than one card entered, you can delete any of them as long as you keep one on file.
Address Book: Provide your shipping and billing information here. You can store multiple addresses and label them accordingly but just keep in mind to check that your default shipping address is correct when sending or accepting an offer.
Trading Preference: Here you can indicate what type of offers you will and won't consider. These will show under your bio when members visit your profile.
Preferred Brands: Choose brands that you prefer to personalize your experience.
Communication: Here is where you can opt-in on what notifications and emails you want to receive.
Theme: Are you a light or dark mode kinda person? Choose your side!
Get help: Access our Help Center and all its articles or submit a ticket to our support team.
FAQ's: Read up on our most frequently asked questions.
Blocked: Need to view who you have blocked? Need to unblock someone? View and edit those accounts here!
Danger Zone
Logout: Where you can sign out of your device.
Account: We'll be super sad to part ways but if you need to delete your account, this is where we'll say our goodbye's..